Secrets from Mike Sonko’s diary

Jay B
4 min readNov 30, 2021

Passed by one of the back streets today, it was dirty, as expected but also had some signs of cleanliness where new buildings had been completed. These back streets are no longer an eyesore ever since Mike Sonko upgraded them by tarmacking.

I remember the street where Nazigi matatus carry passengers from, it's clean now and tarmacked.

This is how the road used to look like. ( Punzi lane)

It used to be dirty and looked like a shamba after rains. I think most Kenyans could point out bad roads or streets that needed to be cleaned and tarmacked and Sonko would have them repaired. Not only for roads but issues within the city.

While most affluent Kenyans who have stacked several degrees could not understand how Mike Sonko could be governor, a lot of citizens loved him and continue doing so. Sonko may have lived some pompous life but he still understands the little conveniences that benefit the local mwananchi.

You got to feel that he listened.

Compared to Badi, who is more interested in pavements and bulldozing other Nairobi things, citizens feel helpless as his agenda doesn’t serve us.

NMS double pavements

He's got a feel of “what will you do?” and “so what!” all rolled into one. An example is, how do you reach that chap? You may promote hashtags all day long on Nairobi services but you will never get anywhere.

For sure he is not paving more roads, county trash collection is done sometimes, a majority of the time it's not and somehow the county employees are on strike every now and then. There's lots of presence of the county employees with their uniforms up and down the city but you don’t know what's going on with them.

What exactly are they doing walking up and down in town? Maybe the general wants to see them ‘busy’.

The only way you may get some attention from the NMS is by taking them to a court or having Uhuru issue them with a directive.

The other new governor who has taken reign is also a suspicious character.

Governor Kananu

We all know it's not a legitimate mandate. She cannot say this mandate is a ‘mandate from God.’ We would laugh. Not elected by anyone and would not be if it were put to the ballot.

Where do you even reach her?

The county is a byproduct of heavy PR and policing. The people who are to be served just have an air of giving up. Nairobi seemed to be much better when Sonko run things, at least he cared and was improving on people's lives, the people who mattered and who most policies affect.

If you are well off and stacked with degrees you can take your snobbish attitudes and have governors who are well suited to cooperate chaps. They get nothing done but build malls and coffee houses.

Sonko should find a way to come back, or a way should be found out to bring him back.

Governor Sonko and President Uhuru

If you look at Luthuli avenue, it makes sense that Sonko repaired it and got rid of cars. Do you know how much business improved around Luthuli?

Luthuli improvement as Traffic was Banned

With traffic mainly coming from citizens, not cars.

